Canada geological hydrogen potential – the current state of research - Chairman: Ema FRERY


2023-11-27 | 03:20 PM - 03:40 PM (GMT+08:00) Perth| Live room


Hydrogen and its derivatives would be a major component of global energy consumption toward Net Zero goal by 2050. Naturally occurring hydrogen recently has received significant attention within academia and industry as an additional major source of hydrogen. Canada, a strong competitor in hydrogen production and fuel cell technology is starting to evaluate its natural hydrogen resource potential. Previous studies in Canadian Precambrian Shield (e.g., Sherwood Lollar et al 2014) showed that considerable amount of hydrogen produced from those deep crystalline rocks. However, no systematic resource assessment studies have been done on potential natural hydrogen resources. Geological Survey of Canada in collaboration with US geological Survey and the University of Toronto started to initiate a hydrogen resource assessment for Canada. In this presentation we will present the current state of research on naturally occurring hydrogen resources in Canada.