SysMoG(TM): a new tool for H2 exploration in boreholes - Chairman: Dariusz STRAPOC

ConférenceNew tools

2023-11-27 | 04:20 PM - 04:40 PM (GMT+08:00) Perth| Live room


M. Piedevache1 , J. Pironon2 , P. De Donato2 
1 Solexperts France, 10 allée de la Forêt de la Reine, 54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France 
2 Université de Lorraine, CNRS, GeoRessources laboratory, F-54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France 

Knowledge of gases dissolved in aquifers is an important step in the various fields of subsoil use: monitoring for volcanology, geothermal energy, underground storage, and quantification for gas exploration and production. Through various research projects carried out over the last 20 years in collaboration with the Lorraine university-CNRS GeoRessources laboratory, we have developed innovative in-situ gas monitoring technologies. These technologies, initially designed for shallow depths and radioactive waste storage and CCS projects, were perfected to reach depths of 1,500 m as part of the Regalor (Ressources Gazières de Lorraine) research project dedicated to CBM methane exploitation. The results obtained during the initial phase of the project led to the validation of the SysMoG® system for long-term monitoring at great depths, as well as the detection and quantification the presence not only of methane, CO2 and azote, but also of hydrogen and helium. These unexpected results have furthered research into the origin of these gases. Following on from Regalor, we have upgraded the SysMoG® probe to GH2ASBUSTERS mode for deep aquifers hydrogen and helium quick prospecting. We recently carried out quantitative dissolved gas prospecting on several FDE boreholes in northeastern France.