Can H2 clump discriminate the H2 source ? - Chairman: Dariusz STRAPOC

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2023-11-27 | 05:00 PM - 05:15 PM (GMT+08:00) Perth| Live room


Dan Lévy*1, Pierre Cartigny1, Jabrane Labidi1, Isabelle Moretti2, Dariusz Strapoc3, Isabelle Le Nir3, Isabelle Martinez1
1Institut Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France, *contact:

2Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris, Paris, France

3SLB, Clamart, Fran

Natural hydrogen has several origins: hydrothermal alteration, radiolysis of water, late maturation of organic matter or microbiology. Even if those processes are the subject of many studies, it is still challenging to associate a molecule of H2 to a specific origin.

One of the methods usually performed to constrain the origin of H2 is to measure its bulk hydrogen isotopic composition. However, it is mainly used to constrain whether a system is at equilibrium or not or to distinguish low temperature H2 to high temperature H2. Therefore, this H isotopic signature does not lead to distinguish one type of H2 from another.

Here, we use a new technique to trace the origin of natural hydrogen: the measurement of H2 clumped isotopes (HH, HD, DD) on MAT253-ULTRA that was developed by Popa et al. [1] and first used on natural samples by Mangenot et al. [2]. The methodology of the measurement of H2 clumped isotopes will be presented before showing new results.

[1] Popa, Paul, Janssen, and Röckmann (2019), Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33, 239–251.

[2] Mangenot, Xie, Crémière, Giunta, Lilley, Sissmann, et al. (2023), Chemical Geology 621, 121278.