HyAfrica – mapping natural hydrogen resources, social economic impact and regulatory needs in African countries - Chairman: Olivier LHOTE


2023-11-28 | 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM (GMT+08:00) Perth| Live room


The low maturity level of natural hydrogen exploration requires an integrated approach that encompasses not only the mapping of the existing resources, but also the assessment of its socio-economic relevance, clarification of regulatory needs, and raising awareness amongst policy and decision makers. The HyAfrica project engages in those activities in four African countries (Morocco, Mozambique, South Africa and Togo)  with a focus on the possible use of natural hydrogen in standalone energy systems for isolated communities. Moreover, HyAfrica aims to pave the way for regional and national authorities in the target countries to develop roadmaps and action plans for exploiting this natural energy source and include it in their energy systems. The first phase of activities in two of the target areas, in Morocco and South Africa, have been completed, with the identification of promising regions and stakeholders engaged. The preliminary results of such works will be presented.